Monday, March 14, 2011

Powerscourt Gardens

I woke up and the sun was shining, the clouds were dispersing, and you could see blue sky above your head.  What a glorious day!  I decided to take advantage of my good fortune with the weather.  Why stay in the city?  I needed to get away for some fresh air, so I took a public bus out to the Wicklow Mountains today and visited Powerscourt Gardens.

After an hour, you reach Eniskerry, a sleepy village nestled at the heart of the mountains.  Taking public transport to a place so far away is a little intimidating ---I am always worried that I will be stranded somewhere.  However, every time I do it, it get's easier. After I got off at the last stop, the bus drivier gave me walking directions to get to the gardens---walk uphill for about 20 minutes (and I mean literally Up Hill). 

There was a girl who looked as confused as I was about the directions so I started chatting with her.  Eva Marie, a girl visiting from Germany, wound up spending the day with me walking around the gardens.  The scenery was breathtaking.  When we walked around the back of the main building and first glimpsed the view from the top, Eva and I literally both sighed at the same time. 

The weather held for the entire day---and it was even the first time that I actually took off my jacket!  Daffodils were beginning to blossom and there were bright splashes of colors from buds on a couple of trees, as though an artist had spilled paintdrops from the sky.  The air was invigorating, a crisp chill which felt wonderfully refreshing.  It was so nice to hear birds chirping instead of cars honking!  I think that Spring is finally in the air---at least for today.

We spent the day walking on the various pathways and then we had scones and tea in the outdoor cafe.

I wanted to stay longer, but Eva needed to head back to the city---I didn't want to ditch her at the very end so I went back with her.  I think that I'm going to have to return on another day though.  It's a perfect place to just sit under a tree and read a good book.

We stumbled upon a weird photo shoot.  The girl had some crazy make-up on.  The photographer kept saying, "yes, yes!  Perfect! Perfect!"  She sounded like such a stereotypical photographer---Eva Maria and I were cracking up trying to imitate her for the rest of the afternoon.

I probably won't post again until next week because the rest of the week is going to be mad busy with St. Patrick's Day this Thursday.  When I talk to my Irish coworkers about it, they merely shrug.  They say that I should prepare to be underwhelmed.  I'm excited about it nonethless.  To be in Ireland on St.Patrick's Day---how amazing!

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