Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Life Lesson

Some people are content to just go to the pubs in the Temple Bar area and that's as far as they get.   They just go to the same pubs every night and this is their whole Dublin experience.  Partially, there are cultural differences involved - "We are laughing and talking here.  Why do we have to rush to go somewhere else?" 

There is a ring of truth to this.  We shouldn't forget to enjoy the present because we are too busy trying to get to the next thing.  I have been running myself ragged, working full time and then trying to squeeze as much as possible in on the weekends.  There is no way that I could keep up this pace on a regular basis because it is just too much (and probably the reason why I keep getting sick).  Sometimes I think that I am putting too much pressure on myself to do things.

HOWEVER....when I am in a foreign country and there are so many new things to see and do, then why would I spend all of my time watching tv or sitting in an apartment?  I could do that at home!  I want to experience all that Ireland has to offer.   

Every week has so full and rich.  I know that I have a deadline. I leave on April 9th and I don't know when - if ever - that I will be back.   I want to experience all that life here has to offer before I go.  I will always remember all of the new and incredible people and places.  

Everything has been making me think about the way I live my life normally.  Too often, I think I am content to just let life pass me by.  I can always do something else next week --- it's not a big deal if I just stay at home and stay comatose on the couch.  If I knew that I had a deadline, just like my deadline for leaving Ireland, then would I still choose to do the same things?  Maybe I should take a dash of the same urgency that I have here and bring it back with me. 

I need to balance doing nothing with doing everything. 

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