Monday, March 7, 2011

I'm Getting Sick of Being Sick

boooooooooooooooooo   I'm sick again. 

I started taking the antibiotics that I brought in case of an emergency, but then I stopped because I was afraid that I was over-medicating myself.  Apparently, I really do need the serious pharmaceuitcals though because, when I woke up this morning, I had white spots all over my throat just like a polka dotted giraffe.  Right now, I am a workable sick...I feel stinky but I can function....although I don't think white spots are normal.

I wish that I could go to the doctor's to find out exactly what's wrong, but my insurance won't cover it.  When I checked before I left, they said that they would only cover hospital visits in the case of "mortal danger."  They won't let me die (at least that's a relief), but they won't help with any other bills. 

I am hoping that continuing with the antibiotics for a full ten days will finally knock this sickness out, but if it doesn't go away in a week, then I might have to bite the bullet and pay whatever it costs to go to the doctor's.

On the bright side, at least I will have an awesome immune system when I get home.  These Irish germs are so hardcore --- I'll be able to build up enough antibodies to make me very hearty in the future.  If all this exposure to bacteria keeps up, I think I'll be able to live to be 105.

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