Sunday, February 6, 2011

Good News!

?Awe shucks!  I'm in Dublin, all the way across the Atlantic.  Sorry I can't come in for an interview.  I'm really bummed about it."

That's what I thought I could say.  I got all of my applications sent out before I left, but then I figured that I would be safe from the interviewing process. 

I was wrong.

Bank Street sent me an email asking if I could interview, and no worries, I can do it over skype.  I could not escape!  In all honesty, however, it was actually really amazing that I could conduct an interview across thousands of miles and a five hour time difference.  Technology can be an incredible thing! 

In the past, I would have been incredibly nervous, but now, I've had to adapt to meeting so many new people in such a short time that an interview didn't seem so bad.  I surprised myself by how little I actually worried. 

The interview went exceedingly well.  I was shocked when, at the end of the conversation, the director asked me, "So where should I send your acceptance letter?" 

Really!?!  I still can't believe that I have already been accepted to the program!  I had to hold my hand under my jaw to keep my mouth from gaping open.  I can start in June---I don't even have to wait until the fall semester.  I fell in love with the school's educational philosophy and I think that I could definitely fit in.

I probably won't hear back from the other universities until April.  I don't know where I will end up going---but it's nice to know that I already got accepted somewhere ;-)

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