Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Human-Powered Movie Theater?

Like all good cities, Dublin always has something fun and random going on.  After I went kayaking, some friends from work and I went to a human-powered film.  The aim was to show how much energy the average person uses per day and what it costs to produce it.  We had all said earlier that we would wear out lycra bike shorts to the event----but apparently, I was the only one who didn't realize it was a joke!  

Oh well.  I rocked my Under Armour spandex as if it was Dolce and Gabana.....or at least, I tried anyway.  Apparently I wasn't very convincing since, later in the night, I was barred from entering a bar. As I followed my friends through the door, the bouncer caught my arm and pulled me back. 

What?  Do you need to see my ID? 

He gave me an "Are you an eejit" look and pointed at my feet.  "No runners," he simply stated. 

I couldn't believe it!  Looking back, I should have tried to charm my way in, claiming that Lady Gaga wore the same shoes last week or something.  Instead, I had to leave my friends at the door. 

However, in the end, it was alright. No crying over split shoes.  I was actually kind of glad that I had an excuse to go home.  I had an early morning ahead of me---MJ and I were leaving at 6:30am the next day for a trip to the Aran Islands.

(PS Eejit is Irish accent for idiot.)

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